Last updated: 12.02.2023
Our Privacy Policy describes the information collected through our mobile applications “BabyMagica” and “Train for Animals - BabyMagica free” and the use of the information.
When using our Products, we might read non-personal information (such as internet, Wi-Fi availability, network connection, wake lock, device status, internal and external storage availability and usability) for the use of Product development and Service improvement. The collection of information will be used for the development and functional improvement of our Products to ensure quality user experience. We only collect such information to the extent that allow us to conduct our normal business operation and Products’ research and development.
The application is designed for children under 13 years old. We do not collect any personal information through the “BabyMagica” app.
When you download the “BabyMagica” mobile app and then use it, we do not require to provide any personal information and do not record any data about you. You can be sure that the application “BabyMagica” does not track the behavior of your children.
Our App “BabyMagica”:
• does not collect personal information;
• does not contain advertising;
• does not contain analytics and does not track any user actions;
• does not contain sdk social networking;
• uses Google Play license status check system.
You can also familiarize yourself with how Google collects and processes data: “Privacy Policy and Terms of Use”
Train for Animals - BabyMagica free (Google Play edition)
The application is designed for children under 13 years old. We do not collect any personal information through the “Train for Animals - BabyMagica free” app.
When you download the “Train for Animals - BabyMagica free” mobile app and then use it, we do not require to provide any personal information and do not record any data about you. You can be sure that the application “Train for Animals - BabyMagica free” does not track the behavior of your children.
Our App “Train for Animals - BabyMagica free”:
• does not contain in-app purchases other than those listed on Google Play;
• contains a link to the full version of the game (“BabyMagica”) in the Google Play store;
• does not contain analytics and does not track any user actions;
• does not contain sdk social networking;
• uses Google Play license status check system.
You can also familiarize yourself with how Google collects and processes data: “Privacy Policy and Terms of Use”
Third party websites, links & advirtising
The “Train for Animals - BabyMagica free” app contains Google Admob banner ads. Rating of advertising content “For any age” (G).
We may provide links to our website ( or third party websites. Our Privacy Policy will have no effect on any third party websites’ Privacy Policy or their usage of personal information collected. Our Privacy Policy as expressed herein does not apply to other parties, and we do not dictate the collection or usage of information by them. We do not take part in the operation of third party advertisers or websites. Please find the list of third party advirtising companies and sdk's below:
• AdMob - Privacy Policy
• Providers of advertising technologies:
Train for Animals - BabyMagica free (RuStore, NashStore edition)
The application is designed for children under 13 years old. We do not collect any personal information through the “Train for Animals” app.
When you download the “Train for Animals” mobile app and then use it, we do not require to provide any personal information and do not record any data about you. You can be sure that the application “Train for Animals” does not track the behavior of your children.
Our App “Train for Animals”:
• does not contain in-app purchases;
• contain analytics AppMetrica;
• does not contain sdk social networking.
You can also familiarize yourself with how Yandex collects and processes data: “Privacy Policy and Terms of Use”
Third party websites, links & advirtising
The “Train for Animals” app contains Yandex banner ads.
We may provide links to our website ( or third party websites. Our Privacy Policy will have no effect on any third party websites’ Privacy Policy or their usage of personal information collected. Our Privacy Policy as expressed herein does not apply to other parties, and we do not dictate the collection or usage of information by them. We do not take part in the operation of third party advertisers or websites. Please find the list of third party advirtising companies and sdk's below:
• Yandex - Privacy Policy
Changes to our Privacy Policy
We may change this Privacy Policy at any time: please take a look at the “LAST UPDATED” date at the top of this page to see when this Privacy Policy was last revised. Any amendments to this Privacy Policy will come into effect a reasonable period of time after this "LAST UPDATED" date (normally we consider 30 days to be a reasonable time period) unless you contact us before that date to discuss or query any of the amendments.
Contact us
We welcome any questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy, which should be addressed to